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     深圳市惠雅乐装饰工程有限公司成立十余年来,魏先生以“诚”、“信”、“义”、“仁”的处世魅力带领着惠雅乐全体职工,坚持“价格合理、服务周到”;认真做好每一支工程的信念,赢得了良好的市场口碑;同时以务实创新、锐意进取的团队精神在装饰行业内打拼出属于自己的天地,树立独树一帜的团队信誉。至2006年起,惠雅乐装修工程已建立起以局部效果体验与综合实景体验相结合,以整体生态工程服务中心和实景样板间系列呈现为配套的“个性化量身定制整体生态装修”的特色经营之路,形成了以 “标杆工程”、 “尾款作保两年”、 “个性化设计施工服务为主体的团队优势。
   professional home improvement, construction of various types of tooling and the strength of civil engineering team, the team has fixed more than 50 technical staff positions. Through nearly a decade of development, Shenzhen Hui Gagaku renovation team in home improvement, house hardcover, retrofitting the old place, "workshop, bar, entertainment, restaurants, office buildings, hospitals, schools; and other commercial space interior design、Construction and steel construction design and other fields have a very mature operational experience. And to provide pure design services; have excellent design and professional construction team reached the peak of more than 500; and worked in Shenzhen, Dongguan, Guangzhou, Huizhou and other regions of the Project Services Division。
   Shenzhen Hui Gagaku Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. was established more than ten years, Mr. Wei to "honesty," "believe," "righteousness", "benevolence" savoir-faire charm led the court music of all employees benefits, adherence to the "reasonable price, good service "; a good job every faith in a project to win a good market reputation; both pragmatic and innovative, aggressive team worked hard in the decoration industry a world of their own, unique team to establish credibility. To 2006,Shenzhen Hui Gagaku renovation team has been established in order to experience the effects of local experience combined with comprehensive real to the overall ecological engineering service centers and real model for the matching between the series presents a "personalized tailor the overall eco-renovation" of the operating characteristics of the the road, and formed a "benchmarking project", "secured the balance due two years", "personalized service as the main design and construction team advantage.
   Shenzhen Hui Gagaku Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. all the staff look forward to shake hands with you, willing to shake hands with our sincere and powerful. We know that to get your approval, is the development of Shenzhen Hui Gagaku navigation!
   Main Products: Providing professional home improvement, house renovation "workshop, bar, entertainment, restaurants, writing; and other commercial space interior design, construction; the strength of steel design and construction team, and to provide pure design services. Have excellent design and professional construction technician technical staff. purchase the product: raw materials
公司名称: 深圳市惠雅乐装饰工程有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (服务商)
所 在 地: 广东/深圳 公司规模: 500-999人
注册资本: 100万人民币 注册年份: 2007
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00 商币
经营模式: 服务商
经营范围: 油漆施工,环氧地坪施工,彩钢板施工制作,工程劳务合作
销售的产品: 油漆施工,环氧地坪施工,彩钢板施工制作,工程劳务合作
采购的产品: 油漆施工,环氧地坪施工,彩钢板施工制作,工程劳务合作
建筑建材 / 其他建材 / 钢结构、膜结构 建筑建材 / 其他建材 / 混凝土制品 建筑建材 / 隔音、吸声材料
建筑建材 / 防水、防潮材料 建筑建材 / 建筑装修施工 / 建筑护栏 建筑建材 / 建筑装修施工 / 地坪